Having a baby is the most beautiful feeling in the life. From the moment you start thinking of having a child, you start experiencing the most amazing adventure of your life. It is a magical experience, the day a child is born the whole world around you will change and you will got a new purpose in life. There is a sudden dramatic shift in your consciousness from I, me, my to you, his or her.Now you start planning your day and night keeping your child in center.The whole perspective of life changes.
Parenthood is one of the greatest events in your life emotionally as well as psychologically; suddenly you feel some maturity in yourself. When a child is born with joy comes responsibility. Parenting is just not like any other passing phase of life, you will find a new way of life and adjusting to this new way of life can be challenging and demanding both but obviously thrilling. Your bundle of joy will soon start responding and you will be thrilled to see a new development every day.
As you begin to bond your newborn baby and taking care of his everyday needs, your connection with him will start developing so much so that you will cry with him and you will laugh with him. Suddenly you start feeling a child in you and start behaving like a child.
Being and becoming a parent is a very conscious decision you and your spouse took as you are going to take up your life’s most important job so, you need to be very careful while raising your child. You have to raise your child emotionally but scientifically and unfortunately you don’t have any degree or diploma or training to perform your duties. It is a journey to tread, and to you have to tread well as the future of your child depends on the way you raise him.
Your child comes into this world like a plain canvas, and whatever picture you draw, whatever colors you fill it stays like that only. You are architect of your child’s personality, he is going to learn from you the way you sit, the way you walk, the way you speak everything he will pick up from you. Your child will imitate you so, you need to be very careful in you act, you need to choose your words of communication, the way you and your spouse behave with each other, your eating habits, your dressing sense, every act of yours is going to influence your child’s personality.
Parenting is actually an art, a skill what you learn from your older generations, your friends and neighbourhood and many things you learn while you are raising your own child. Like a skilled craftsman or sculptor or painter parents have to put all their effort and concentration in developing a beautiful human being who is actually humane. We all want to raise children who grow up to be a confident, independent, responsible and successful adult. We should ensure that our child acquires not only knowledge but also wisdom, he earns not only success but also goodwill, he becomes not only independent but also responsible, he develops not only strength but also compassion, and most importantly we should teach him not only to take life seriously but also to enjoy it. We should teach them to savor life as a full meal from soup to dessert and enjoying every bit of what way it comes.
The parent child relationship is the most beautiful of all relationships and so we should nurture and handle it very carefully. Parenting starts even before the birth of your child as soon as you conceived the wish to have a baby and it never ends. Roles and responsibilities of parents changes as the child grows so the parenting style. You cannot deal your 10 years old child same way as you dealt him in 2 or 3 years of his age, it’s been a long but interesting and joyful journey from developing a baby to a toddler to a teenager and to an adult. The journey is full of wonders, awes, joy and learning. You also grow in understanding and wisdom along with your child. The way you groom your child and the way you deal with different situations and your reactions has a great psychological impact on your child and leaves an imprint in their subconscious mind which determines their behavior as a youth.
I have enjoyed all the stages of my children, faced challenges & experienced criticism too and learnt a lot during this journey. I have conducted hundreds of parenting workshops and helped more than one lakh parents to understand the right way of parenting. I must say parenting is an art which every parent need to learn patiently and apply it in their personal life. This Book is a step by step guide which will give you in-depth information about age appropriate parenting and will help you to understand the different aspects of parenting and how you can help your child to become a responsible, sensible and a successful adult.